Draailier halfgevorderden t/m gevorderden – Sebastian Falk (Se)

Sebastian Falk komt dit weekend een workshop speciaal voor halfgevorderde t/m gevorderde spelers geven, waarbij hij vooral Zweedse muziek gebruikt om dieper in de speeltechniek te duiken.
Sebastian schreef ons:
“During the course we will learn a few tunes from the Swedish folk music tradition and some approaches to their characteristics, like dynamic grooves for different dances, buzzing patterns and melody phrasing. We will work with both left hand and right hand techniques and ergonomics, both as separate exercises and in relation to the music. The course will be in English and we will aim to learn the music by ear, bring a recording device!”
Deelnemers zijn van halfgevorderd t/m gevorderd niveau. Zij hebben de basisbeheersing van de regelmatige drie- en vierslag & zijn al vertrouwd met het spelen van typische folkmelodieën. Ze zijn het beginnersniveau ruim ontstegen, hebben eerder workshops/ cursussen gevolgd of spelen minimaal al twee jaar gemotiveerd en intensief. Bij twijfel kan er overlegd worden over het niveau.
Ter vergelijking met onze zaterdagcursus: deze workshop is bedoeld voor ongeveer hetzelfde niveau als de halfgevorderde t/m gevorderde cursus die Cor momenteel lesgeeft. Overleg eventueel met je docent.
De workshop wordt in het Engels gegeven.

Maximum aantal deelnemers: 12
Over Sebastian Falk
While not originally a hurdy gurdy player, Sebastian picked up the instrument around seven years ago and started a journey that would become more important than he’d initially anticipated. With a main focus in Swedish traditional folk music he has recently finished his bachelor studies at the Contemporary Traditional Music programme at Gothenburg University in Sweden with the hurdy gurdy as his main instrument. With the guidance of different teachers he has explored the place and possibilities of the instrument in both Swedish/Scandinavian folk music and in other traditions from other parts of the world. During the last year of his studies he has also developed his hurdy gurdy playing in combination with effect pedals while composing music that took inspiration from traditional Swedish folk music and post-rock/instrumental rock. This resulted in his graduation concert “Tapes and Tracks”, consisting of ambient musical landscapes mixed with traditional dance music. Today Sebastians aim is to create more music, go out and play and meet more people.
Luister naar Sebastian Falk:
• Sebastian Falk – Andra Väntan + Vacklan
• Sebastian Falk – Tid + Bara en dröm
• Sebastian Falk & Johan August Pettersson – polska
• Sebastian Falk – Dickapolskan from Älvdalen
• Sebastian Falk – Polska efter systrarna Forsströmsson
• Johan Ludvig Rask & Sebastian Falk