Courseday 12th of October 2024

The registrations are open!

Always wanted to learn how to play the hurdy-gurdy or bagpipe? Or are you an advanced player who wants to improve his or her playing? This will be possible during the Courseday of Draailier and Doedelzak. During this day there will be hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe and other music courses for the beginner and the advanced player. Lack of an instrument is not an excuse, because we have instruments for rent for the beginner groups.

The courses are:

All instruments
• Ensemble I: about Balfolk - Paul James (UK)
• Ensemble II: Traditional music from the Netherlands - Anouk Platenkamp (NL)
• Diatonic accordeon for Beginners - Wouter Kuyper (NL)

• for beginners - Dorine Boudewijn (NL)
• for beginners - - Anouk van Leeuwen (NL)
• for (half) advanced - Jonneke Jorissen (NL)
• for (more) advanced - Jean-Pierre van Hees (Be)

• for beginners - Lies Sommer, Petra Leeflang & Gertjan Jorissen (NL)
• for begunners (to half advanced) - Fabienne Krischke (De)
• for (half) advanced - Els Peeters (Be)
• for (more) advanced - Francesco Giusta (It)

The courses will start on saturday the 12th of october at 10.00 until 17.00. This day will take place in primary school "De Griffel" in Zeist (near Utrecht). There is a map on the page about the location

Time schedule

9.45 Doors open and welcome with coffee/tea
10.00 Introduction of the teachers and starting with the workshops
12.30 lunch
13.15 workshop
16.30 Ending and some presentations
17.00 possibility for social talks

Some impressions of earlier editions:
Pictures Course Day 2023
Pictures Course Day 2022
Pictures Course Day 2021 (only beginners groups)

Registration & Costs

Do you already know the course you like to join? And did you read the required level? Then you might go to Registration form directly.
There you also find an overview of the costs.

The Courses

Courses for all type of instruments

Ensemble: "About Balfolk" - Paul James (UK)

Taking traditional dance tunes or modern compositions as a starting point, Paul's workshops are about working together as a team to create a mighty big band sound that is more than the sum of its parts. Suitable for all ages, all levels, every instrument. No prior knowledge of folk music is necessary. The aim is to create imaginative arrangements - using harmonies and riffs, textures and dynamics - that are interesting and fun to play, dance and listen to. Participants must be able to play a simple folk tune at the correct tempo, by ear or by reading music. "I set goals and ground rules and let them play. As the workshops progress, they become more confident to develop ideas for arrangements and negotiate them with others in the group. It is as much about teamwork and group dynamics as it is about being active listening and ensemble skills. I'm always surprised by what we come up with. It's always completely unique to that time, place and group of people - and that's what music is all about."

About Paul James
Paul James is a saxophonist, bagpiper, singer and composer from England who makes music influenced by English and European folk/folklore traditions. He has been playing with BLOWZABELLA since 1980, which is where most people will know him. With Blowzabella they play at many folk festivals throughout Europe. In addition, he does not sit still, he has created various musical projects such as The Drowned Lovers. He recently also started a ball trio called THREO with Hilke Bauweraerts and Thomas Hoste.

Listen to her music with Paul James:
met Threo (20 min)
Blowzabella - The New Jigs
Blowzabella Sidmouth Folk Festival 2018 (20 min)
Blowzabella - Adam Was A Poacher
Paul James and the Drowned Lovers - The Rolling of the Stone
Paul James and the Drowned Lovers - The ballad of Sarah Gray
Paul James -Once There Was A Lone Wolf
Paul James - Wakeful
Paul James & Rosalie Bosteels - The Drowned Lover

Ensemble: Old Folk music & dancing tunes from the Netherlands - Anouk Platenkamp (NL)

Dive into the beautiful world of Dutch folk music! This music is relatively not well known. Fortunately, there are a lot of sources with folk music from the Netherlands: manuscripts such as Souterlydekens (Utrecht 1540), "Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlieties en Contredansen" (1700-1716), Beukema (Groningen, ca 1850) collected music that was already old at that time. The Meertens Institute also collects many old music sources. Beautiful music, these folk songs are waiting to be played... and that's what we're going to do! We dive into some pieces from different periods, in order to look at the similarities and differences in styles. We look at how we can make this old music sound beautiful on our 'modern' instruments and look for arrangements. A limited number of melodies are covered, so that we have plenty of time to go into depth.

About Anouk Platenkamp
Anouk plays harp and nyckelharpa and has specialized in Dutch folk music over the past 10 years. After starting with Irish/Scottish music and later Swedish music, she discovered the rich world of old folk music from the Netherlands. She now has a solo CD and book with arrangements for harp, and has given Nederfolk workshops throughout Europe. She also plays in the group Voddemoer.
Listen to music of Anouk:
Anouk Platenkamp - Waterlanders (solo album)
Voddemoêr - So Wie Bi Nachte Gherne Vliecht
Voddemoêr - Meisje loos
Voddemoêr (album on spotify)
Plaisir d'Armour - Nachtvlucht (album on spotify)
Flidias - Fionn and the Men of the Fianna
Anouk Platenkamp - Der letzte Tanz der Sonne

entry requirements: Players are sufficiently familiar with their instruments and are able to pick up tunes by hearing.

diatonic accordeon for beginners - Wouter Kuyper (NL)

Always wanted to play the diatonic accordeon? This workshop is especially for people who never played this instrument before. The workshop is the oppurtunity to discover the basics of the instrument while learning easy but beautiful melodies. No instruments? No worries, we have some instruments for beginners available
Listen to Wouter:
Lirio - Mazurka voor een mus
Lirio - wals en een beetje
Wouter en de Draak - He'pter
Wouter en de Draak - Werkelijk waar
Wouter en de Draak - New Horizons, New adventures
Wouter en de Draak - Gavotte de l'Aven
Wouter en de Draak - Zon op de Glijbaan
requirements: none, this is a beginners course

Bagpipe Courses

The bagpipe courses are about the French, Flemish or Low Lands pipes (tuned in g). There are 4 different courses for bagpipes:
• for beginners - Dorine Boudewijn (NL)
• for begunners (to half advanced) - Anouk van Leeuwen (NL)
• for (half) advanced - Jonneke Jorissen (NL)
• for (more) advanced - Jean-Pierre van Hees (Be)

(More) Advanced bagpipes - Jean-Pierre van Hees (NL)

Jean-Pierre van Hees will give a workshop on techniques and variations especially for advanced to advanced bagpipers. Jean-Pierre will focus on different playing techniques, micro variations and ornamentations.

About Jean-Pierre van Hees

There was little mention of folk when Jean-Pierre van Hees discovered traditional folk music and the bagpipes in the mid-sixties. During the next decade he will be one of the key figures of the revival of traditional folk music in Belgium, including by restoring the bagpipes. In 1976 he also invented the second thumb hole on the bagpipe-chanter, with which he greatly expands the melodic possibilities of the instrument. This system is used by many bagpipe makers and players in surrounding countries and has become an indispensable element of playing technique.
In 2009 he obtained his doctorate with his thesis "Situation of the bagpipe and its specific traditional play techniques by performing historical and current music" and thus became the first doctor in the bagpipes.Jean-Pierre van Hees is the Belgian bagpipe/baroque musette virtuoso. He played with groups such as RUM and gave concerts with his beloved baroque musette with various orchestras all over the world. He wrote dozens of concertos and opera music for that instrument.

listen to music of Jean-Pierre van Hees:
Jean-Pierre Van Hees & Guy Van Waas - Les Deffis (La virtuose) comp: Nicolas Chédeville
Duo Bauweraerts-Van Hees - Live in 't Ey Belsele
Duo Bauweraerts Van Hees - Sur les doigts de ta main
Duo Bauweraerts Van Hees - Fly in
J.B. Saint-Sevin L'Abbé Musette concerto (Coin du Roi - van Hees - Frattima)
Jean-Pierre Van Hees e Nadia Vázquez
Chédeville / Vivaldi: Il Pastor Fido
Chédeville: Les impromptus de Fontainebleau
Vlaamse traditionele Kerstliederen & Chants de Noëls traditionnels wallons

(half) advanced bagpipes - Jonneke Jorissen (NL)

Jonneke Jorissen gives a course for (semi) advanced players. In this workshop she focuses on polyphonic music. According to Jonneke, the day is "mainly about making music together". She indicates that the playing technique will support the pleasure of making music together. Based on a few melodies, Jonneke wants to explore how beautiful polyphonic bagpipes can sound: which second voice sounds beautiful? Is there perhaps a third voice? And can you find an extra voice for a piece yourself?
About Jonneke
Jonneke has been teaching lessons for the Draailier en Doedelzak Foundation for many years, from beginners to (semi) advanced. Jonneke's love for bourdon instruments was instilled in her from an early age. She discovered the bagpipes at an early age and played with her group Chardon on many stages in the Netherlands and various festivals at home and abroad. Listen to Jonneke:
with Chardon
Presentation of Jonneke's beginners group

Bagpipe for beginners - Dorine Boudewijn & Anouk van Leeuwen (NL)

Always wanted to play the bagpipes? This workshop is especially for people who never played the bagpipes before. The workshop is the oppurtunity to discover the basics of the instrument while learning easy but beautiful melodies. Instruments can be rented and two weeks beforehand there is an introduction morning (28th of September) in which you will receive the rental instrument and the basic information needed to get started the first two weeks.
requirements: none, this is a beginners course

About Dorine Boudewijn
Dorine has been playing the bagpipes since 2006. Many players will probably know Dorine from the instrument tastings she gave at festivals such as Castlefest, Elfia, Summer Darkness, Parkfest or CaDansa. During these instrument tastings she introduced many festival visitors to the bagpipes. She played bagpipes, bass guitar & melodica in musical projects such as Antigoon and De Grove Maling.

About Anouk van Leeuwen
When I was seven, I fell in love with the bagpipes through a friend of my parents, who played Bulgarian gaida. Still too small to hold a bag, I had to wait a few more years before I could take lessons myself. I have now been playing the Flemish bagpipes for over 18 years. After my studies I completely rediscovered playing and dancing and together with Wouter Koenders I play polyphonic bagpipe compositions with the duo Ciona.
Listen to Anouk:
Ciona - Seraphine
Ciona - Mazurka
Ciona - Hanterdro

Hurdy-gurdy courses

There are 4 different courses for hurdy-gurdy. These are:
• for beginners - Lies Sommer & Petra Leeflang (NL)
• for begunners (to half advanced) - Fabienne Krischke (De)
• for (half) advanced - Els Peeters (Be)
• for (more) advanced - Francesco Giusta (It)

Hurdygurdy (more) advanced - Francesco Giusta (It)

This day (more) advanced HG-players can challenge themselves in a workshop by Francesco. He wrote about this course:
"Music dynamic, esthetic and expressiveness: within this course we'll work on how to make a melody speak, working on phrasing and emphasis combining the two hands together and looking through both folk and early music styles. G/C hurdy-gurdy tuning is preferred but not mandatory. "

About Francesco Giusta:
Francesco Giusta takes interest in the hurdy gurdy at the age of 11. He later improves and develops his technique with virtuoso such as Gregory Jolivet, German Diaz, Matthias Loibner, Valentin Clastrier and Tobie Miller. He has played in several bands, amongst folk and early music, and has been a guest of well-known groups such as Lou Dalfin, Malanova, L’Orage and Riccardo Tesi. He has attended many folk and early music festivals and has held several workshops and masterclasses in Italy, France, Germany, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, UK, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Austria and USA. He recorded several CDs, amongst other his latest record “The Hurdy-Gurdy at the French Royal Court” in 2021 with his Baroque Duo.
In 2015 he won the first prize at the hurdy gurdy ‘solo’ competition at Le Son Continu festival in Chateau d’Ars, France, getting the title of ‘Maître sonneur’. Since 2011 he held regular masterclasses and courses in Germany and in his hometown as well as concerts with his projects. At present, he plays with Trigomigo, Tre Martelli, in solo project, his Baroque Duo “Les Vielleux de la Reine” and teaches in Torino, Cuneo and Frankfurt.

Listen to Francesco Giusta:
Francesco Giusta & Elena Buttiero - The Hurdy-Gurdy at the French Royal Court (full album)
Antonio Vivaldi /Nicolas Chédeville - Sonata VI (Il Pastor Fido) : Allegro ma non presto
Les Vielleux de la Reine - La Jardinière
Les Vielleux de la Reine - Le Bosquet de Flore
with Riccardo Tesi - Cicciabomba
with Trigomigo

Hurdygurdy (haf) advanced - Els Peeters (Be)

Dynamics on the hurdy-gurdy... is that possible? During this workshop, we'll discover that it is certainly possible to play with dynamics on the hurdy-gurdy. By exploring different techniques and playing styles, we learn how to add expression and variety to our playing. We investigate how we can alternate between different strokes and turning tempos within one piece to create musicality and dynamics. From subtle nuances to powerful accents, we learn how to bring the hurdy-gurdy to life with dynamics and expressiveness.

About Els Peeters
Els has been providing hurdy-gurdy education at the Music Academy of Genk and Ypres (Belgium) for many years. She has also taught at the monthly course of the Draailier en Doedelzak Foundation and at Muziekpublique in Brussels. She is specialized in the didactics of hurdy-gurdy playing. In September 2021, she launched her text book "Liere Draaie", a practical teaching method for the hurdy-gurdy that received good reviews from many hurdy-gurdy players. The success of her book continues to inspire Els to further develop methods and look for new insights to teach hurdy-gurdy playing in the most thorough and broadest possible way.

Hurdy-gurdy for begunners -Fabienn Kirschke (De)

This workshop is especially for people who just started with the hurdygurdy. You have had some lessons and you play a bit. The workshop will go further into playing the hurdygurdy. We will work on techniques.

About Fabienne "Fabi" Kirschke
Fabi is a hurdy gurdy player from Germany, who fell in love with the sound of the instrument in the moment she first heard it. She loves to explore the different worlds that music opens for us and plays in various musical styles. Currently she has a solo project as well as her bands Brisinga (mystic folk) and Storm Seeker (nautic folk metal).
Listen to the music of Fabi:
Fabis Tunes - Innisfree
Fabis Tunes - Pinetrees
Brisinga - Krabat
Brisinga - Lost
Storm Seeker - Heavaway
Storm Seeker - How to be a pirate

Hurdy-gurdy for beginners: Lies Sommer, Petra Leeflang & Gertjan Jorissen (NL)

Always wanted to play the hurdy-gurdy? This workshop is especially for people who never played the hurdy-gurdy before. The workshop is the oppurtunity to discover the basics of the instrument while learning easy but beautiful melodies. Instruments can be rented and two weeks beforehand there is an introductory morning (28th of September) in which you will receive the rental instrument and the basic information needed to get started the first two weeks.*

requirements: none, this is a beginners course

(*This only applies to the first hurdy-gurdy beginners group, we were able to start the second hurdy-gurdy beginners group with the help of borrowed instruments. These additional instruments will arrive on the workshop day itself. The second hurdy-gurdy beginners group is therefore only at the day itself, so without the introduction morning on the 23th of September).